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ViaGen Pets & Equine, Our Partner Cloning Company. ViaGen Pets.

Did You know, at Gemini Genetics , we work with world leading pet and equine cloning company, ViaGen Pets.

Allowing you to access the very best pet genetic preservation services, no matter your location.

How Does It Work?

Are you are interested in cloning your cat, dog, or horse to create a truly everlasting bond? Then Gemini Genetics is here to help.

Pet cloning can only be undertaken when the genetic material of the original animal is preserved to retain the ability of the DNA to regenerate. This preservation must also take place within 5 days of the animals’ passing or within 5 days of the sample taking.

Gemini Genetics can expertly preserve pet and equine genetics and help you to securely preserve samples in time critical situations. Our association with ViaGen Pets then enables you to proceed to cloning if and when you are ready to do so.


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