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Natures SAFE

We Help Save Animals From Extinction! Charity Nature’s SAFE

We at Gemini Genetics are a proud sister company of the charity Nature's SAFE, helping them in their mission Save Animals From Extinction! Using adapted methods from domestic animal cryopreservation from Gemini Genetics, Natures SAFE is able to preserve wild and endangered species tissue samples for future regenerative technologies. Creating…

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why do people clone their pets

Why do people clone their pets?

Why Do People Clone Their Pets? There are many reasons someone would want to clone their beloved pet. Animals hold a very special place in so many people’s lives, and the love we have to our animals is something that should be preserved. Many people who clone their pet do…

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Dog Breed Extinction

Dog Breed Extinction

Dog Breed Extinction Unfortunately, there has already been cases of canine extinction. These are not limited to the Belgian Mastiff, Black and Tan Terrier, and the Old English Bulldog. These once loved breeds are now lost to the history books. This loss is irreversible… but we don’t have to let…

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Natures SAFE

Nature’s SAFE – Preserving Our Animals Future!

Nature's SAFE We at Gemini Genetics are a proud sister company of the charity Nature's SAFE, helping them in their mission Save Animals From Extinction! Using adapted methods from domestic animal cryopreservation from Gemini Genetics, Natures SAFE is able to preserve wild and endangered species tissue samples for future regenerative…

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meet the peanut clones!

Meet the Peanut Clones!

Meet the Peanut Clones! produced by our US partner ViaGen Pets! You can keep up to date with their story using @the_peanut_clones And learn more about pet genetic preservation and cloning with us at Gemini Genetics or ViaGen Pets #thepeanutclones #dogs #dogslife #theloveofadog #puppies #puppylove #dogsoffb #canine #caninecompanions #doglover #animals…

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The Genetic Bottleneck

Rare Dog Breeds – The Genetic Bottleneck

Rare Dog Breeds - The Genetic Bottleneck With the continued reduction of our canine rare breeds, another consequence of shrinking populations would be the genetic bottleneck effect. A genetic bottleneck occurs when a drastic reduction in population size leaves the breed with a permanently smaller genetic diversity than there was…

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Polo Ponies

Polo Ponies – Equine Performance Cloning

Polo Ponies - The Benefits of Equine Performance Cloning Cloning is an amazing tool when considering the genetic potential of a performance horse. Allowing the winning DNA to carry through exactly how it was in the original animal to future generations; relieving any uncertainty that comes with breeding as there…

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Pet Loss Support

Pet Loss Support

At Gemini Genetics we understand how hard it is to lose a beloved pet, they are a part of the family and a critical and significant part of our lives. We have many clients who come to us because, sadly, they have lost their pet. And so, we do everything…

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Pet Cloning. Can I Clone My Pet?

Can i clone my pet using hair or teeth?

Can i clone my pet using hair or teeth? Can i clone my dog from hair and teeth? Can i clone my cat using hair and teeth? Unfortunately, no. Cloning your pet from either hair or teeth is not a possibility. This is due to the DNA needing to be…

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Rare Breed Dogs

Rare Dog Breeds

As sadly seen in the diagram, over the last 5 years the number of Bloodhounds has drastically decreased… dropping from 88 in 2017, to a shocking 19 in 2021. This means that without help this wonderful breed will soon be lost to us forever! We cannot let this happen!! Keep…

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