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Gem Gun dog scurry

Our Special Cloned Dog Gem!!

Gem Update! Last weekend our special cloned dog Gem had a fun filled day with our company director as she came 13th in her very first Gun Dog Scurry! The Gemini Genetics team are so proud of her, she's a natural! With her original being a trained Gun Dog, the…

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should i clone my dog?

Should I Clone My Dog??

Should I Clone My Dog?? An insightful feature on the reasons people clone their pets, or simply opt to have their genetics preserved. Pet cloning is not just about creating a copies. Its about the love, attachment, emotion, bond and friendship between an owner and their animal companion. A love…

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Dave Elite Kennel Fertility

Dave Vet Elite Kennel Fertility 

Dave Vet Elite Kennel Fertility Meet our amazing head vet - Dave! As well as being a keen showing competitor in the canine industry, Dave has a passion for breeding high quality dogs and preserving vulnerable breeds for the future through semen freezing at sister company Elite Kennel Fertility! Gemini…

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Matcher Gemini Genetics

IMT Matcher – Helping Us Help The Animals You Love!

IMT Matcher - Helping Us Help The Animals You Love! Matcher is a barcode-based electronic witnessing, labelling, scheduling, traceability and data insights system. This technology has been applied here at Gemini Genetics well as at sister charity Nature's SAFE to keep perfect track of all the animals that come into the…

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dog cloning with viagen pets

Dog Cloning With ViaGen Pets!

Dog Cloning With ViaGen Pets! Our US partner ViaGen Pets & Equine have an adorable 11 week update! Meet the Sailor clones! The clients never got to see their beloved dog Sailor at this age but they are beginning to see Sailors traits shine through! Saying 'this early phase has…

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Gemini Genetics cloned dog

Excited To Announce Our Very Own Cloned Dog!

**BREAKING NEWS- WE ARE EXCITED TO ANNOUNCE WE HAVE OUR VERY OWN CLOMED DOG! GEM! ** Gem (short for Gemini) is a lovely cocker spaniel that started her life here with Gemini Genetics Manager Lucy! Gem has been created from a small skin sample taken form her original, meaning she…

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why do people clone their dog

Why Do People Clone Their Pets?

Why Do People Clone Their Pets? For A Lasting Love   Shared post from ViaGen Pets - our amazing and world leading cloning partner! Did you know, you can now preserve your pets genetics here in the UK for future cloning? At Gemini Genetics, we work with ViaGen Pets,…

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dog cloning how do i clone my dog

Dog Cloning – How Do I Clone My Dog?

Dog cloning & pet cloning is easier than you think, in just 5 simple steps an animal with the exact same DNA as your original dog can be born. Making them full genetic twins, just born at different times! The first and most vital step is completed safely here with…

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dog cloning gemini genetics

What’s It Like To Clone Your Dog?

What's It Like To Clone Your Dog? At Gemini Genetics, we work with US based and world leading cloning company, ViaGen Pets. Once your pet's genetics are preserved here at Gemini Genetics, we ship your samples to ViaGen Pets who will clone your dog, cat or horse. Your cloned pet…

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