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Polo Ponies – Equine Performance Cloning

Polo PoniesPolo Ponies! The Benefits of Equine Performance Cloning

Cloning is an amazing tool when considering the genetic potential of a performance horse. Allowing the winning DNA to carry through exactly how it was in the original animal to future generations; reliving any uncertainty that comes with breeding as there is no new genetic set introduced.

Although the science of horse cloning is yet to be utilised in equine sports worldwide, the applications of it are now being recognised throughout the polo industry in Argentina. The world class polo payer Adolfo Cambiaso has led the way for the rest of the sport.
In 2015, he announced 14 clones were created from just one horse: his most accomplished mare, Cuartetera. He explains how she was easy to direct, fast, and could turn on a dime, and with these clones winning him and his team two Argentine Opens before 2015 alone, he believes any clones produced will become just as capable! With their success leading the way for multiple future plans to be put in place to have clones produced from several of his best performing horses. Going on to inspire other teams within the industry.
Connect to news channel links and features for more on his cloning story
For more information about domestic animal genetic preservation and cloning visit the Gemini Genetics website –
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